[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

okay cheese lets do a training session

read me :^)

actually im probably not worth the time


idk do an ISO on someone whos nominated today

lay out your thoughts

I shot DatBird because heā€™s obviously a wolf. It had absolutely nothing to do with his interactions with you.

And honestly, I havenā€™t read the OP that thoroughly, because with any luck there wonā€™t be any more nasty surprises on the lines of ā€œthe travellers are randed unlike the way theyā€™re supposed to be runā€.

Iā€™m also wondering if the next BotF should NOT include Travellers.

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travelers are neat

i prob wouldnā€™t /in on these if not for them cause i can just dip when i wanna

also i have to have an underwhelming deviant game so it gets unbanned for BOTF3 :^)

honestly only a true hero /ins with the explicit intent of playing VT in rolemadness. you have my respect.

i just inned because I love being vig. not as much as I love asking Geyde to rand me innochild so I wouldnā€™t have to bother playing the game and then actually randing innochild :^)

this is where youā€™re mistaken

im just here now

I should say when I say ā€œno travellersā€ I mean ā€œno travellers at gamestartā€

well in this setup there was explicit intent to test the icibalus

but i donā€™t think any of the BOTF have had travelers showing up after the game started? which is a bummer

Imagine not using the roles in the way theyā€™re meant to be used- sudden, unexpected events that can change a gameā€™s entire trajectory midway through/


the ā€œleave whenever you wantā€ part is still intact

which was more important to me

Anyway, thatā€™s enough pontification about the purpose of Travellers. Back to attempting to solve.

Thatā€™s right. Marson was my last but thatā€™s a bad one to go off of because I was inactive for a period. RRM is the only decent one (the only alternative actually) that you could go off of

Day 1 has ended; apologies for this being a bit late.

End of day vote processing coming shortly.

Final EoD1 Vote Count:

DatBird: One Vote

Napoleon: One Vote

Redrover1760: One Vote

Apprentice: Zero Votes

MukuroIkusaba / Alice: Zero Votes

Day 1 ends in a three-way tie, thus which results in a no-lynch. There is no execution today, and the game continues.

Also iā€™m entirely certain without even looking that no traveler has gotten anywhere near the nine required votes to be exiled, so no travelers are exiled today.

Night 2 has just begun and will last at least 24 hours, until 2020-04-06T13:15:00Z, or possibly longer if @Marshal is not awake then, as I know that I absolutely will be asleep at EoN2.

The sun rises, and the residents and travelers gather around. Nobody is missing from their ranks.

Nobody has died last night!

Day 2 has begun. Nomination Phase will begin in 12 hours at 2020-04-07T01:22:00Z

We are also in need of another replacement. If you can, please sub in or contact somebody who might be interested.

Vulgard has replaced in for Geyde!

Discussion of replacements is strictly forbidden. This is your warning. Donā€™t do it. Or I will remove your kneecaps.