[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Initially it was really townie but he seems to be not trying to solve anyone else.

And then he rando shows up with his claim, claiming napoleon isn’t demon.

Then we get Demon on the lynch list twice.

Napoleon on the lynch list twice I mean

@DatBird Make a good case against Napoleon for us. That would be great.

Cause a lot of my simulated evil lists got stumped by Hippo being towncore for me.

I agree with Vulgard’s assessment of everyone else.

Through my interactions with Mist I peg Mist as fairly town. My analysis of Alice is that Alice is fine, for now, Luxy is questionable.

Luxy has given me a pretty townie mindset so I think Luxy is fine too.

What do you mean?

Like I agreed with Luxys sentiment from Day 1 on Napoleons slot, but if Hippo tested him to be not demon theres not much point in lynching him thus why i unvoted

Do you think Hippo could be lying about this claim?

Napoleon claiming D1 is really odd.

Especially as an investigative Kape that can be disabled by death.

I will note that nappy thought kape always got true info

In fact, I am surprised Napoleon is not dead today. I kind of expected Napoleon to die, as he actually claimed something and I just made up a bunch of hedgy nonsense.

I think our demon is one that doesn’t kill right away tbh

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Every demon that doesn’t kill right away informs the person they are marked or in a room

In that case, why did the demon NOT kill or do any actions. Curious

I have a theory. Either they horribly failed their online check or much more likely decided to attack a Priestess and hit them, failing due to wind chiming fable.

So these are my choices.

A vulgard only works on a lynch.