[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Just exile me

And I sheep for town


Or exile wazza but thatā€™s too easy

I have a gutread that wazza is good and the evil travelers are Amelia and Italy but I also just kinda think Wazza being alive makes the earlygame a bit unbearable

The fact that this was Mistā€™s only response to my pressure on him only makes me more convinced we have to vote him out. If heā€™s a villager, heā€™s being useless on purpose, because no analysis or attempts to analyze followed this post (and there is plenty of content in the game right now, so he really has no excuse). But I think itā€™s more likely that heā€™s a wolf who believes heā€™s going to coast, and I know from experience that he has a problem with meaningful posting, or posting at all, when heā€™s wolfing.

And before Mist enters the thread saying Iā€™ve never played with him when he wolfedā€¦ Iā€™ve read some of his wolf games. His posts when he is wolfing are rather limp and not notable, and there is generally a small number of them (though not always). I could probably find some games on MU where this is the case from my point of view. Iā€™m convinced that if Mist were a villager, he would be trying to solve the game. Not necessarily effective or efficient (no offense), but at least trying. Right nowā€¦ he really isnā€™t, and my pressure on him failed to change that.

/vote yes on Mist

Can we even do this with Voudon in play?

/exile Ici

Hippo, I think I need an explanation as to why you want to vote out potentially useful KP.

Also, Iā€™ve just noticed that Amelia swapped me with Apprentice, which means that Ici can yeet Apprentice right now ā€“ and I think thatā€™d be a good play.

I saw someone nominated him, Iā€™d rather kill waz or amelia but if ppl want ici I just wanna exile some travellers.

We currently have two Travelers who make us unable to play the game correctly, by limiting the ability to nominate and vote. Iā€™d rather vote out either of them, or both.

The person who wants Ici dead is DatBird, who was shot by Ici and who we strongly suspect was a Minion. I donā€™t think itā€™s a good person to sheep, unless youā€™re townreading him.

Yeah Iā€™d rather do waz so I can actually vote but no one was doing that.

/vote exile waz

I think I nominated Waz for exile already, soā€¦

/vote to exile Wazza

@N.1 @Marshal

Itā€™s time to break the nomination deadlock.

I honestly believe that Amelia and Wazza may both be V-aligned, but the voting deadlock is too much to bear. It makes the game significantly more difficult from my perspective, because we have to rely on votes that donā€™t belong to us.
Unless they put forward a couple of good arguments as to why they should stay in the game, I think voting both of them out is a wise choice.

/vote to exile Amelia
@N.1 @Marshal

ā€¦Wait. Wrong traveler.

/cancel the Amelia vote

/vote to exile Italy

@N.1 @Marshal

For the record, I think that Ameliaā€™s swap was V-motivated (mostly because I agree with the decision, and because she placed me next to two players I want to have a discussion with ā€“ although she couldnā€™t have known that). And also, she isnā€™t blocking our voting powers / manipulating the votes just by existing. For those reasons, Iā€™m fine with her staying in the game for now.

Also, /vote yes on Mist and /vote no on everyone else, if itā€™s somehow possible for me to do so despite the presence of the travelers.

Given Italyā€™s low investment in the game, he might just be a wolf-aligned traveler, which is another reason why I want to see them voted out. Itā€™s a rather shallow read, but itā€™s still a thought I had.

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Iā€™m a little surprised nobody decided to vote them out before I replaced in, but since I didnā€™t read the thread in its entirety, maybe I missed attempts to exile them.