[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

i’m actually dead right now
but fuck logic, i’ll talk if i want to talk


nobody can shut me up except me

they’re majorly plurality but minorly majority, and with no hammer

yes i’m just dumb dumb and forget the important details

Except voudon removes majority

by this i mean lynches require a number of votes equal to or higher than the number of currently living players in order to go through, but the nomination with the highest number of votes is the one that goes through.
also, ties mean that no one is lynched

oh right also since wazza is alive
you can’t vote

every rule comes with the * “unless something else says otherwise”

but the living are still the only ones that can nominate, yes?

only since an hour ago

and even then nominations already closed



Both Outsider claims are both in the lynch!

Thanks! --so again; when is EOD?


  • Flipless death is bearable
  • Mafia Flagbearer is bearable (no pun intended)
  • Post-mortem talk is bearable
  • Post-mortem one-shot voting is bearable
  • Whispers are bearable
  • Nominations is… not bearable

Problems and Questions:

  • Why can’t we just skip to death?
  • There is a record of non-neighbor whispers? Is that public, or for a certain role only?
  • Have people beside me already claimed roles?

It’smpublic because you have to announce whispers
But because I’m alive you aren’t allowed to whisper non neighbors anyway

Because I haven’t decided who to kill yet.

Public because you have to announce it but you can’t rn because lol!Amelia.


Now what outsider are you @Zone_Q11

pretty obvious what zone is claiming
