[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

But, Amelia is out of swaps and y’all can’t choose who to nominate.

Your point is irrelevant.

I have 1 more swap

I still think more likely or not we got an Arete on our hands

Amelia has one more swap unless I’m delusional

You used them all.

Italy -> Alice
Dat -> Geyde

and I swear you did one more.

Besides, why the fuck should I vote to kill whoever you want to kill?

What if I want to kill someone else?

because the Universal benefits good???

Anyways. My info was pretty much useless except for the fact it implies the existence of an Arete. Have fun

Well yeah no shit, I still want to accomplish that. But I still feel like it would be better for me to kill one of my scumreads first.

And who are your scumreads?

Yeah I’m almost certain Apprentice is evil.

It doesn’t even imply that exists since if it’s false then there could just not be an Arete

I ain’t scumreading until I see the players I have to vote.


You have to recognize that you’re either doing something blatantly anti-town in full view of everyone in the thread or doing a gambit
And while I’m not sure what that means for you, it makes reading you hard

Apart from redrover. He’s an exception.

How do I whisper again?

You can’t. Matron exists.

Create a private message with your neighbor, add the hosts and spectators into it

I’m doing something blatantly anti-town because I don’t enjoy playing town as much as I enjoy playing scum and was pretty upset when I got rerolled out of my favorite class