[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

We already murdered the bishop at any rate

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I donā€™t think youā€™d get informed upon mark.
That seems broken. Like, underpowered as ToS arsonist.

Or Headhunteredā€¦ making me think that the Demon most likely is low-posting?


i see

theres a decent chance its me then if it can be me

Fine. What about non-Traveler claims?

That is correct. My PM said something about a list of bluffs and that Minions learn 3 roles to bluff as. ā€¦but how is this AI though?

Whatā€™s even the worth of claims anyway? I thought they are useless since there is no claimvig?

But even then, why input no action at all

Oh wow they actually learn about the mark. Yikers.

Demon could have hit Priestess which was wind chimed.

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some classes are significantly higher priority targets and we have no way of protecting them


Im saying that flavor is indicative of alignment. Like for instance, a Kape is always good, never evil.

Alice hinted towards it also.

Iā€™m willing to believe that entirely.

:man_shrugging: idk man i just got here

unless the Arete converts them

That means youā€™d be fine with dying, right Simon?

I wouldnā€™t ever do that if I were the Demon tbh

Priestess is a role.

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But itā€™s not like the demon knows who the priestess is iirc?

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Assuming one is even in play of course