[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Yes, but you lied about your exact info.

I did not lie about my exact info, I just said there was an Arete in town.

If you are curious, I was going to reveal the second part later.

You just thought it was my exact info.

Misunderstandings donā€™t mean Iā€™m lying

why not reveal it all so ya know, we donā€™t say words with vowels?

Oh I was fake claiming Eevee bait until I realized that Iā€™m stupid

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Even though there are 5,657 words that begin with vowels. That number probably lowers to 200 based on anything.

And even if your info is false, itā€™s still best to get it out there.

we know youā€™re stupid :heart:

I doubt people would care.

Like I knew this information but not using words with vowels impacts communication so much I know people wouldnā€™t do it (and I wasnā€™t gonna do it either).

In fact I actually was a bit hesitant on revealing it because I thought people might try and subtly reveal words with vowels at the beginning.

But like, I was still probably going to reveal it because I think itā€™s still better for town to know.

just remove the vowels.


How did you get two information? Iā€™m confused

ā€œyou realizedā€


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He didnā€™t.

His information shows the existence of an Arete.

But how do you mess up something like that. Thatā€™s literally your class


My information actually tells me two things:

If itā€™s true:

  • An Arete is in-game
  • Their keyword begins with a vowel

If itā€™s false (the more likely):

  • If an Arete is in play, there keyword doesnā€™t begin with a vowel.

Or Arete isnā€™t in play at all?



  • Arete exists.
  • Their keyword begins with a vowel.


  • Arete doesnā€™t exist
  • Areteā€™s keyword begins with a consonant
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I just breezed through it and didnā€™t read it properly.

thats what i said

Not exactly, nerd.