[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

oh yeah that’s a thing

/exile Wazza

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p sure you can do it yourself

why do you think im evil :thinking:

Huh…that’s a…What the fuck is that message?

Can’t, I already called for the exile of someone (myself lol)

I don’t think Katze calms me out as an evil traveler

Canst thou read prôper English?

/exile katze
Actually I’m pretty sure katze has to be evil here since I know I’m good, icibalus and wazza are most likely good given their actions, and italy was our only evil one I assume.

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I can read it I’m just.

Confused how you worded it.

There’s a chance this is hammer? Process this please @Marshal

please note that @Wazza’s first post on this matter was just an establishment of the exilation call and did not count as a vote.

can’t you call for multiple exiles


The only demon that doesn’t nightkill is Arbiter.
Arbiter is the Demon we have.

Are you aware we have an Arbiter?

you know what

ive wanted to exile you literally all game

so heres the OMGUS

/exile Amelia we shoulda lynched you D1

No, you can call for one

And uh
1 evil traveler sounds way unbalanced

I also voted on myself anyway.

Also no I don’t think it’s hammer?

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I’ll look.

/exile katze

exiling me does next to nothing

so i don’t really care

Oh. Okay.