[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

the fact i didnt scumread wazza this game is prob a sign that he was evil

why when, again, a good deviant could just remove themselves from the game, killing you instantly

What if arbiter adds everyone to the chat

Then the town just finds the arbiter because they didnt add themself

cause im 20000iq and you’re simon

What if they add themselves

Then good wins because they die along with everyone else lamo

@N.1 if im confused on mechanics ill ask you directly. 9 times out of 10 you dont need to correct me on anything unless i ask you
(sorry i just saw you were typing and i said something that might be suspect, but that im confident on)

You did scumread me tho.

not today tho

its like i said before.
(it doesnt work in forums)
arbiter whispers to wizard/the datbird without the ST listening in, ask them to wish for a random good player to die at the start of nominations next day.
then, the arbiter chooses to put everyone except themselves in a group. at the start of nominations next day, they win

i have a 100% accurate soulread on wazza

they’re always scum :^)

any future mech questions we now ask be diverted to classcards.

Just a measure to prevent thread clutter and angleshooting etc.


feel free to get clarification mechanically from your peers here if you want

but going forward, all host responses to mechanical questions will take place only within classcards.

why am i not exiled

anyone who knows my meta should know im blatant scum rn


like come on this is a klassic catze scumtell

Obviously scum are refusing to exile you :eyes:

or people just aren’t voting

derps doesnt wanna vote me because hes pretty sure im town

i think everyone else is gone

obviously that is not proper feeling for a meta scum tell and even if it were you are calling it out yourself which makes it pointless