[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

inb4 katze is a good traveller, host laughed at a joke but she’s malfunctioning

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Honestly that’s a possibility and I hate it.

that’d be hilarious though

just like your jokes

im like that all the time. if you ever see me use parentheses in the middle of a sentence (like this) im usually either worried of that happening or of someone quoting me out of context

anyway, whats the deal with airline food?

Inb4 wazza is actually evil who faked existence of arbiter but katze got poisoned by revenant and now the revenant dies because of this :sunglasses:

The fact they aren’t as good as my tesco meal deals

Sainsburies cheap off-brand tropicana for one of my five a day

this is not serious btw

the thing is

if i CAN be poisoned id be a pretty likely poison target since im usually pretty funny

high altitudes can cause our taste buds to process things differently (usually so that foods have a weaker taste). this results in a variety of effects. one example is tomato juice reportedly have a much better taste.
due to this, many airlines make their foods really salty or sweet or whatever. thus making them taste bad

alright nerd

i dont think revenant would target a traveller, especially since if that traveller is good they can just completely out themselves at any time

like i was going to just let that one go, but this is actually pretty fun for me

why do you think ive been saying since D1 that im prob gonna leave midgame

because it’s true

but i also did consider the revenant thing, cause if i was a revenent id poison a deviant probably?

at this rate we’re at midgame probably

Although Arbiter game seems more likely

Given wazza outted its existence