[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

According to derps, it was him kyo and vulgard

Also you see me making an oopsie with swaps, but yeah I just wanted to be able to whisper with two people who I think are good

I can certainly see Demon putting himself in the chat tbh.

Seems kind of risky tho

Since if one of the people in the chat dies the arbiter goes kaput

i think thatā€™s far too irresponsible
ideally Arbiter wants to accelerate to LyLo by forcing the villagers to lynch in the chat
if they themselves are in the chat that interferes with that goal
basically relies on them having a Scarlet Woman, which is by no means a guarentee

by the way Arbiter interacts awfully with Poppy Grower and I feel that shouldā€™ve been adressed in design

it also interacts terribly with Matron since Shacklewright of all Demons requires a ton of coordination, and my roleā€™s existence basically requires that Matron stays in the game or my otherwise incredibly strong role is really weak

iā€™m sorry to spend so long ranting about design but iā€™m basically explaining my reasoning for thinking that this setup is too janky for me to realisticalyl care about it beyond minimal effort

okay so I guess weā€™ve got one of two conclusions to make from how shockingly poorly the Shaklewright is killing:

  1. they literally do not understand how the role works
  2. theyā€™re big brain WIFOMing us

this paints SDA in a bad light and tbh I doubt thereā€™s anybody whoā€™d give up a mechanical advantage in this setup for the role purpose of ā€œhaha big brain WIFOMā€

@Demon for reference, if you are unaware, ideal Shacklewright play is to bind a consensus villager to one or more wolfy players, thereby making killing one of those wolfy players cost a consensus villager.

/call for exile on katze @Marshal @N.1

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sorry, i just want that to start up early enough to actually finish it today.

hrrm. weā€™re so starved of any actual informatiton here beyond a few rings to place people in that I canā€™t make any conclusions about what the setup is. literally the only vaguely useful thing that weā€™ve learnt is that Arbiter is the Demon.

@Simon since youā€™re hopefully not the Demon, help me speculate wildly about the setup here, if you ?please?

sure. i dont know what youve speculated already or how far that goes back

i feel like we basically have to speculate mechanically at this point
remind me of all the information we know so far in case Iā€™ve forgotten any of it

what about minons.
I dont think the datbird/wizard is in the game at this point, or weā€™d have heard of it

i dont know the half of the information available, as people refer more to the information theyā€™ve already posted rather than reposting information, and when you miss that original post, these later posts mean fuck-all

/vote to exile Katze @N.1 @Marshal

Get rid of em

yeah pretty much
Iā€™m just wondering if itā€™s really that safe of a bet to assume that a Wizard wouldā€™ve used their Monkeyā€™s Paw by now