[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

ok 1, i think thats bs, and 2, they’ve literally said before that you need to wait for an announcement of the things before you vote so i dont believe you

there’s also the possibility that they wished for something they thought would just help them win but would nearly break the setup, or just overshot the ambition of the wish, and it just got not granted. I don’t like to mess with excessive WIFOM.

I think we can safely assume that no wishes have been made, however, and thus everything is behaving according to The Rules As Written

what would they wish that would cause that. hypothetically

idk i haven’t been reading up on the minutia of rules interactions in this game
but i feel like we’re talking something like creating more Mephits???

maybe. I honestly don’t know.

Ask Marshal then.

anything. you have the full hypothetical grounds. if you think its possible you can come up with at least one wish that would fulfill that

wait how the fuck did you call for an exile? You’re dead.

anyone can call for exile or vote on exile, regardless of whether they’re dead or not or have a vote or nto

yeah you can call for Exiles and vote completely normally while dead, unlike with nominations

You can call for exiles while dead

this is just another example of Traveller opression
we really do live in a society

then why couldn’t I?


maybe an exiled traveller cant do it specifically?
or maybe it was because you had already called for an exile

no no you can call for as many exiles per day as you want.

ohh yeah it’s because I already called for an exile on myself.

my b.

@Simon vote to exile Katze.
@Icibalus you do the same.

/exile katze

Guess I’ll do it too since it failed yesterday