[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Bishop does have the advantage that if we can lock their allignment through good reads we get a free PoE every day, and that seems too good to ignore.

And if wazza is evil and the ST nominates a towncore player thenā€¦ rip them I guess

I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t helpful just that I donā€™t like it

And then we have katze over there in the corner

you canā€™t kill amelia unless she gives you the chance
she can just send you to the trash bin whenever you get close

see iā€™m more worried about deviant
deviant should only be given to a TRUE funnyman

Put me next to Ici Iā€™ll let him kill anyone who isnā€™t towncore

Although I can just have you murder the deviant if weā€™re worried about that

regrettably i may only fire one shot per day
we really do live in a so-

actually that word is a fairly likely Arete pick now that I think about it


this is a gamer moment

awfully nice of you to foreshadow a moment of great character development for me later this game

Truly an engaging story

well if you had infinite shots you could end the game day 1 so long as you neighbored the demon (and were evil but shut)

I honestly thought he had infinite shots but could only shoot the 2 people directly next to him, even if they were dead. :eyes:

hi Iā€™m busy dying of homework ping me if you need anything

/whisper Icibalus @Icibalus
/whisper Katze @katze
/whisper Italy @Italy

The Travellers stand above the residents of this foul Town.


Thatā€™s illegal while Iā€™m alive :eyes:

youā€™re next to me, I have no reason to whisper you.