[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

basically i’m calling you a hypocrite

/vote to exile Italy

You aren’t gonna get the votes for an exile so save the host some effort.

That’s a funny way to spell Hippolytus. Nice try tho!

if you haven’t noticed i’m not in the best mood today

Why? That’s a very bad way of thinking.

To be fair, I am being sarcastic and taking a bit of a break.

The response to being voted of “Don’t vote me or I will kill you” is obviously going to get votes lol.

imma watch a movie

/unvote to exile Italy

his reaction was meh, wouldn’t really mind him gone

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I’ve already explained myself for my social actions.

And you’re wrong my defense using mechanics matters because as a minion I’m more powerful dead than alive at this point due to Wazza alive

If you think I’m demon then you should investigate Nap/Geyde and Nap/Hippo but I’ll tell you that I’m not Demon and objectively it makes little sense. Of course, you aren’t going to do that.

you’re talking to the person who was thinking about OMGUS shooting someone in danganronpa FM
and i have the balls to go through with it too

Verdict: Debunked

Yes but dude I’m trying to find scum and that is a super scummy response to being pressured.

“pressure me and ill kill you”

like obvs that shouldnt be coming from town.

If you can disregard all of my social talk as useless mech talk then I can disregard your mech talk as useless mech talk.

return of the hypocrisy

I can’t defend myself if you just dance around in circles

When have I ever unironically said “pressure me and ill kill you” or something like that lmao

Tell me why I’m scummy because I’m not going to argue about this right now

that time where you tried to force a quicklynch as town not even halfway into the day

Go read my ISO and respond to it, that’s a way to defend yourself.