[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

ngh you have 500 posts

I donā€™t remember that. And itā€™s hardly relevant to me pressuring your slot.

So far we have your reactions to pressure as

A) Stahp or i kill you
B) you suck lmao

Letā€™s see what other fantastic ways you have to defend yourself.


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you should because it wasnā€™t even two weeks ago
and yes
i checked

Respond to that post.

I also would be nice if you were to look at my ISO yourself honestly.

Maybe consider ISOing Napoleon to solve his slot for us.

i literally donā€™t remember but im sure i had a good reason

unlinke you threatening to kill anyone who questions you lol

you didnā€™t
you were just pushing for a mislynch quicklynch not even halfway into the day and spent hours trying to convince (or pressure) people to quicklynch

I mean i donā€™t remember doing this so im guessing ur lying, misconstruing or most likely misunderstanding stuff but whatever it is not relevant at all.

okay goldfish

How is no one happy exiling his slot his defense has been to talk about irrelevant stuff and threatening to kill people.

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Thatā€™s offensive to mermaids donā€™t joke about that sort of thing.

iā€™m saying your memory sucks

I donā€™t understand?

you canā€™t remember something that hasnā€™t even happened two weeks ago

What canā€™t I remember?

pushing for a quicklynch way too quickly as town

I donā€™t remember doing that though

how could you have forgotten poisonous

No, how could you have forgotten poisonous?

I arrest my case. My case is in prison alongside Italy. Good day.