[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)


no one else is leading the court

you know exactly what but i dont want you to yell at me

Is it the D2 massclaim?

Does this mean that we’re going to lynch Napoleon? If so, why?


Wdym? He isn’t exiled in the OP.

You want me to check all roles?
*looks up for excuses*
…well, it is 01.30 AM here, so I’ll just do that tomorrow.

I don’t see any thunderdomes but OK

I is the Htm

prefer not to reveal night action just yet

He is exiled, Marshal just hasn’t updated it because he went afk afterwards

wait a sec you got your night action already?

@Amelia Please swap Italy and Cloned.

Well… okay then.

what does this supposed to mean

correction: prefer not to reveal what I did at night last night

wait maybe not yet.

Okay I guess
/Switch Italy and clonedcheese


well htm gets a night ability but they have to guess it.

i want you to read over all the roles, and the rules, so we can make explanations brief and you can make better connections.
you do not need to know the roles, you just need to have read them. i do not know all of the roles, but ive read over them enough to recognize things, and i know the general game rules well enough to manage deespite it. you do not know the general game rules. you should at least know that

Oh right

you didn’t ping it’s ok

wuuuuupp too late i guess

sorry about that