[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

dude I told you to wait.

you could’ve just not pinged lol

either way we need 4 more players to claim.

wait quick question
italy was “exiled”

meaning he’s completely out of the game

does that make me wazza’s neighbor?

I assume that dead people would still count as neighbor because they can whisper

well ‘dead’ yes
what about ‘exiled’

Exiled = dead


I got two conflicting answers

is this a thunderdome?:thinking:

that was in talk of you being my neighbour.

Italy is still in the game

exiled = dead

exile is just the traveller version of execute


I already checked the general rules. I guess I don’t have to complain about having Cheese as my neighbor anymore, but now I have an exiled Traveler as my neighbor.

…welp. I guess I will just whisper with you in my freetime.

I mean Italy can still talk

so uh, now what?

we sacrifice our souls to c’thulu

we wait for others to come on

I am here sorry I was finishing up dinner

2:32pm day ends so I won’t be awake for it.

Claim now.

Wazza using that logic of me being evil, first of all I get access to a dead vote (I’m not sure if you intend to leave or not but you’ve been cosnidering it), and katze gains my alignment.

I’m also not Demon and you won’t gain much from my lynch if I am evil.

I don’t think the debate over my lynch should be whether I’m evil or not, it should be over, is lynching a Town in our best interests?