[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

first, how dare.
second, ye

this is objectively a waste of time


even though thatā€™s suboptimal tbh

im deliberately not trying to be funny

i gotta make deviant look weak so it gets into BOTF3

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please exile me so i can fulfill my wincondition

if the STā€™s do it right, then it IS weak.
its not a fault in the role

yeah well tan has PTSD because a stupid storyteller did a thing with italy once

well thats tanā€™s decision to make but i think he is wrong if he says it is a fault of the role

look im willing to look like an italy if it means i can play deviant in BOTF3

personally, id play a form of the deviant where i help people

why am i not hammered yet you nerds

thatā€™d be fun

me rn

or just, where i cant be exiled if iā€™ve been helpful

fuck i hit enter too soon


me rn


who are you? are you not katze?
are you some kind of other image or person?

Itā€™s actually chloe

6 votes currently in favor of the exile of katze
