[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

if chloe even thinks about touching my keyboard with her birch hands im gonna cut her down

Katze is obv town guys


derps it doesnt really matter if im good or evil

Why what

how could you cut her down? do you mean to imply that she is some kind of tree, by calling her a ā€œbirchā€ (a kind of tree) instead of the swear word that looks strikingly similar to that word?

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Iā€™m glad you have no hatred for me killing you, I regret it now after learning my information on N3. Iā€™m sorry.

they seem to think im evil but me being dead isnā€™t exactly the worst thing ever

No reason to kill a town for fun

If you donā€™t know what a birch tree is, youā€™re not a gamer and thatā€™s a fact.


honestly anti-joking is like kinda satisfying some kind of primal desire i have and i dont get it but im liking it

i mean exiles donā€™t waste time really

although if im good and this game somehow ends up being close me being alive would be beneficial

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Honestly, I wish I was scum this game.

My traveller class was designed for scum.

oh shit i said ā€œIF im goodā€ KATZE SCUMSLIPPED GET THEM

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Somehow I doubt it will be close given how the game has gone so far

While Ameliaā€™s and Iciā€™s were designed for Town.
Italyā€™s was also designed for Scum (lucky bastard) and Katzeā€™s was designed for a meme.


thats why i dont give a shit that im dying

Stop trying to be funny.

Get them the fuck out now I see the issue.


im being myself

im not trying to be funny

im being katze