[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

these are also the two travelers who would be the strongest ones evil

i think reading me as evil/good should be done purely socially and by what my actions are, not by “is it likely deviant is evil” because my alignment is probably the least impactful of the 5 travelers?

also hella hedgey

Voudon is most likely to be evil to be honest.
Feel like Matron is most likely to be good.
Icibalus is most likely to be good.

Hedgey because it depends on game balance and I’m not particularly educated in that aspect

Yeah I read Katze through social. Not by guessing randomly for what the storyteller intends.

It depends on the fact that we can /exile any traveler at any time so its pretty strong but it doesn’t require an execution and the day goes on.

If Matron and Ici are both evil it does require a sacrifice but otherwise the odds are quite low.

I’m not playing mechanically here. You basically are. So I mean honestly.

This is BotC
Why would we not play mechanically?

honestly i think the traveler talk isn’t that necessary rn

residents are a bit more important

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Cause name a powerful investigative please.

In this game.

I can name 1 and Eevee. That’s it.

Y-you do realise that investigatives isn’t the only form of mechanical solving

Yeah, the other is through class claiming. The final one is pure guesswork on part of the Storyteller’s intentions.

Oh my. Well, that isn’t good.
There are much more mechanics other than investigatives and claiming.
We have to determine what to do with the travelers depending on their abilities.
We have to determine what to do with mechanical information and whether or not it’s affected by a fabled
These are just examples

I mean, I don’t know about you, but you’re all talking about reads but have literally no action to act upon them.
What good is that going to do? You can howl that I’m being scumread but I’m literally sitting over here and you essentially can’t do anything about it unless storyteller nominates me and even then Wazza’d have to kill me off, or if you manage to convince Icibalus to off me as well.

There are mechanics. However, the fact is that they are merely guides to our analysis, especially with the perma malfunction one unless its detected or confirmed not malfunctioning.

Okay and your social solving is useless without dealing with the fact we have zero lynch currently

I mean, you were the one talking about how Icibalus is good or the setup is broken.

So what is your solution? Exiling?