[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)


Alice just hasn’t proven to be townie to me yet. So they are PoE.

Don’t underestimate Alice’s scumgame

To be fair, I don’t actually disagree with Napoleon and Geyde here. Alice was a bit scummy in their interactions.

I get to see how people maneuver around the slot. I know for certain Luxy and Mukuro know Dat’s meta
With my other reads, fair tbh.

I like playing with other people as either alignment
So that may have influenced a big part of it subconsciously

Because one of us is dying tonight and I like Apprentice and Redrover. I’m trying to imagine a world where DatBird could possibly be scum and I’m seeing it. He’s still lacking a presence and siding against Red is not clearing of him imo.

This talk isn’t pushing game forward so I suggest we revisit it later

Also assuming V/V if Geyde was made confident enough by Napoleon’s reads to give him his class than that means if the reads were outed we could have been solving Napoleon as V right now.

This right here is a scummy action. This is pushing the game further very much right now, and I’m solving slots.

Or do you want me to go back to lockscuming and ignoring everything you both say.

Which I guess I wasn’t doing but whatever.

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This post annoys me.

Our slots are lynchable
So I’d disagree

Most likely person to get shot is someone townread without huge presence

I felt like we were arguing in circles
I wouldn’t understand your alignment from it and vice versa isn’t as important for me

Well, if this isn’t important, what do you want to do instead right now?

One of Dat/Alice/Nap/Redrover/Apprentice dies tonight

If Italy is town, there is definitely a scum in there. If not, there could be a scum in there.

W!DatBird is very possible but I’ve been a bit hesitant on the slot because kinda suspected you could be wolf too and I dont see a W/W Dat/Geyde.

Also Geyde what did you talk with to Alice?

Anything else
I was thinking talking about Luxy since I found their reads list intriguing


Okay, I was giving you an honest chance, but when you take it like that I’m not sure what my response is. It should have been very clear that I was asking you what else to talk about that is more important, anything else just sounds like you are trying to get away from the conversation.

Oh well. What are you reads on Luxy?