[Misc] Blood on the Forums IV: Glimpse of the Future (Evil Wins)

Geyde’s ability is near useless when he’s outted.

fire away i like questions

Good question, why did Geyde out to you Napoleon if his ability is near useless when he’s outted?

You are asking me to explain why someone else did something

Jk jk, it was a play. And it failed, it seems.

What do you think of DatBird Napoleon?

If Dat was scum in that situation, he would have been jumped on by scum and thread direction would warp on it
I believe I mentioned it in thread afterward

But there isn’t flips. Datbird dying doesn’t confirm scum or not scum if they defended him or not.

Nullish-scum. Improved since his recent posts but I want more from him.

With that in mind… @DatBird

Still want one of Alice/DatBird to die today.

My point is scum, knowing they have to at that point to not be outed, would hard bus dat and we would be left at square one

Even without flips

Why do you think Alice is scummy?

Okay what

I think you and Apprentice are more townie than Alice

That’s my PoE

Do you think that scum could actually successfully bus DatBird up, assuming I didn’t give him a defense? What is the difference between saving the info for later or outing it now? There wasn’t really much info about Datbird. Not to mention even if not referring to DatBird do you think the other reads and analysis would have been useful to be outed publically instead of privately communicated?

Do you disagree that DatBird has yet to earn a townread?

Their response was good I give them credit for that but not entirely redeeming

Why do you think Alice is not townie?

Lack of activity?

Fair but why
I get dat dropping off the map again but then siding against Red is really big