[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)


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Alright, folks. I’m gonna call signups in seven and a half hours (9 pm my time), and classes should be rolled by the morning. Last chance to invite that friend that you really want in here, we’ve only got the one slot left.

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Also /spectate

Spectate Squad. :sunglasses:


I’m only doing it because I don’t want to join too many games at once


spectators everywhere

8 spectators, lol.



spec chat be wild

Can I offer you an egg in this trying time

Welcome to the spectator squad, Geyde.

Well I am not complaining about the spectator chat, what games they join is their business

spectators would be lonely since there wouldn’t be any corpses to join them in watching the game unfold so instead there’s just 9 spectators

we need more spectators so the spectators can play their own BotF game in spec chat

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We could, technically.

Check ‘Town Composition’.

yeah i posted that and then realized we already could

lets get a bigger game going in spec chat than in regular chat!

Spectators running a round of S&V? Seems legit.

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