[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)


May in later, depends when this starts

This weekend, Katze.

I guess more specifically, depends on whats on my schedule when this does start*

And you know, there’s always the chance it starts late :stuck_out_tongue: (or even early!)

I read the OP and this seems frightening. As in, complicated. Whispers in my game of Mafia-but-not-really? :open_mouth:

Yep, whispers. One of the most interesting social elements in mafia-like games tbh.

You mean one of the most broken abilities that trivializes the game and makes it significantly less interesting?

I agree, the social part of social deduction is definitely OP.

Oh my
Oh my
Oh my
Time to slot myself into the 4th slot.

/in 4th

@anon97870008 @Tangeld

I don’t think I should play a game I don’t understand, sorry.

Its a confusing one haha

/whisper Vulgard (Creates DM)

Flipless Deathless Setup (You can talk after death)

Anybody still having votes at EOP (end of phase) will be locked in for eligibility for being voted, and that anyone not voted then will never be able to be voted.

All roles are unique

Do you want to know what?
If discobot rolls on a slot that’s open I’ll join that slot.
Otherwise I’ll spectate and might join later.

@discobot roll 1d15

:game_die: 4

Guess you’re spectating.

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To be clear, I meant Kyo was spectating, not you Shurian.

another thing to note for yall is wording.
if something says ‘executed’ it means the kill during the day that ends the day and begins the night.
if it says kill it means any kind of kill.
an execution is a kill, but a kill isnt an execution.

this is important for certain abilities.

malfunctioning doesnt just refer to active abilities like that of the monk. it also applies to passive and start-of-game. it is also completely unreliable. investigative information is not reliably false if malfunctioning, it is semi-random, meaning that occasionally it can be accurate at the storyteller’s discretion
the above italics means it is not decided by chance. it is decided by the storyteller. this means they could use it just to mess with you, making it false until you realize your malfunctioning, only to switch it to being true for a night to trip you up.

im giving yall info because i feel like if i didnt people could mess with you, essentially making it semi-closed setup with the “vets” knowing more. makes it unbalanced


Shurian is a vet

Starts laughing

If we bully the new players, tan will probably put angel or buddhist in play.

You act as if I know what an Angel and Buddhist is.