[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

I’m not going to play with 13 players lol but if eevee wants slot 1 he can have it

/out from slot 1
/in to slot 15
for now

The point is, I didn’t want slot 1.

I wanted slot 0.

Which would be slot 15 equivalent, just in other place on list.

For literally no reason other than to have your name at the top of the list.

Now I will need to fight Italy and Maxwell if they are Empath.

Fighting Possessed would be easier ;(

You could have just inned at 15 and this wouldn’t have happened…

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No, there is psychological difference there.

People are more likely to believe person whose name they read first, so in this case on top of a list in case of a conflict.

What I’m doing actually had sense.

/whisper Italy

Okay, fake Invest with a hit on Eevee and another person as Spy, Eevee’s the Undertaker and we need him out

/out from slot 15
/in to slot 12
for now

eevee, please take whichever slot you want between 1 and 15. I literally could not give less of a fuck, lmao.

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But I don’t want him to die at night because people will assume he’s good

betwen 9 and 10 would be perfect, but impossible.

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/whisper Eevee

I’m the Washerwoman, I saw you and another player as Soldier, is that you? :eyes:

… that’s actually negative utility to claim that particular check.

Publicly yes, privately no

also I was going for a very specific joke but if I explain it then I can’t use the strategy so

Hot take but the optimal strategy for the Soldier is to openclaim, get as confirmed-not-the-Demon as possible, and sit around being an only-killable-with-Poisoner Good character who will be alive in LyLo

Explain it so others can use the strategy 4Head

Maybe once it’s worked for me once :eyes:

Poisoner is not as easy to arrange tbh. Would require whispers.

We have whispers

Precommitting to whisper regardless of alignment, by the way. What I’m saying here is don’t scumread me for whispering.

That’s what I said?