[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

Or you make a bunch of comments about how they TOTALLY WOULD BE KILLABLE IN THEORY WITH A POISONER and hope they take the hint.

Arete and I strategically went next to eachother so that we can plot all of your demises without having to /whisper every 10 minutes :eyes:

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I would massclaim day 1 and lynch first person to whisper during the massclaim tbh.

Like only imp knows fakeclaims, so minions can fuck it up easily.

Put Librarian in the game and have them see, in a game with a Drunk as an outsider and the Recluse as a bluff, that the Demon or the Spy is the Recluse


that sounds like a really good way to have your Undertaker die N1

Also realistically counter-claiming isn’t even that bad

You have no idea how cursed token drawing can be. I’ll be surprised if evils aren’t all next to eachother & tan didn’t reroll

‘I’m Fortuneteller, Eevee also claims Fortuneteller, I got a hit on Italy and Maxwell and Eevee got a hit on Frost and Wazza, let’s just lynch all of them’

Without flips, counterclaiming as evil has a ton of power. Of course, if you’re in a game with the homicidal maniac Italy, chances are that both of you will die because people don’t flip.

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This setup reminds me of the game where @Geyde was scum and pulled a big ballz play and ended up suiciding to lose instead of going for LyLo.

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Also, Spy gets perfect information on what to fakeclaim

Which game :eyes:

Can we just chalk spy up to being a mind reader? Or literally just being a priest who is capable of communing with spirits?

They’re a spy


Wisdom begets peace. Patience begets wisdom. Fear not, for the time shall come when fear too shall pass. Let us pray, and may the unity of our vision make Saints of us all.

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…okay actually I kind of see where Italy is coming from here

We must keep our wits sharp and our sword sharper. Evil walks amongst us, and will stop at nothing to destroy us good, simple folk, bringing our fine town to ruin. Trust no-one. But, if you must trust someone, trust me.

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Fair warning, there’s a very likely chance that I will be thunderdoming the demon on the last day.

Anyways, I think Italy’s the Demon, he’s been acting kind of strange in our whispers

this lol @Arete

But needs to whisper it to others