[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

Wisdom begets peace. Patience begets wisdom. Fear not, for the time shall come when fear too shall pass. Let us pray, and may the unity of our vision make Saints of us all.

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…okay actually I kind of see where Italy is coming from here

We must keep our wits sharp and our sword sharper. Evil walks amongst us, and will stop at nothing to destroy us good, simple folk, bringing our fine town to ruin. Trust no-one. But, if you must trust someone, trust me.

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Fair warning, there’s a very likely chance that I will be thunderdoming the demon on the last day.

Anyways, I think Italy’s the Demon, he’s been acting kind of strange in our whispers

this lol @Arete

But needs to whisper it to others

Hidden whispers are a mechanic. We call it being neighbors, and it’s surprisingly common among evils.

in fact, its common enough that theres a town whose role is literally to see if any of these situations crop up

Exactly why it will work Simon.

He’s not kidding. There’s literally a class that gets told how many neighboring evil pairs there are.

Stop treating me like I never plaied this.

I was reviewing this and plaied BotC like 15 times at least.
You don’t have to explain each rule to me.

What I’m saying is that 2-3 of evils know no claims and for them to know it, they would need to whisper with demon, right?

3 people randomly whispering to someone to get claim is suspicious.

Aka massclaim day 1 can easily eliminate minions.

And even if there was 1 neigbour to demon, we would know it’s possible due to Chef.

But…you don’t even need to kill the minions


Stop exlpaining the rules to me.

So if we have 3 minions, and all of them double-up with townies (none are sitting next to the Demon, none are the Spy, none are sitting next to the spy):

Since we had a massclaim, any Undertaker that exists will die or be poisoned, so we won’t be able to trust their info

This gives us 6 minion-townsfolk people we need to burn through

We start with 13 alive players (for instance, this is an example, sorry Maxwell)

The Demon can always kill outside the CC group

We lynch someone D1, the Demon kills someone N2, etc.

We do not actually have time to minion hunt and burn through all the CC’s

tl;dr: CCing as scum, even if it means you’ll die, is Fine Actually

im not explaining it to you im just explaining things :man_shrugging:

yeah but even a chef’s result isnt entirely reliable, so its always possible regardless of their result, it just becomes more/less likely

Remember this?

what about it?

It was the strangest victory I’ve ever gotten