[Misc] Blood on the Forums: Trouble Brewing Signups (14/14)

I said like

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There’s a mod! hides.

Where? Kape?

Wait you’re not a mod anymore?

She still is the one who judges you :eyes:

Here. But yeah, I’m still a Judge :woman_judge:

I’m hidden though.

a note to yall: ties are not decided by rng. ties are decided by nolynch

Are you sure about that?


assuming its normal clocktower rules for it yes*

Me too

Once again, I’m forgetting something important. Thank you for bringing that up.

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Oo, Simon, are you a BotC person?

i play it on tabletop sim

you can sit over here with the vets

/In as Vet

/in as seat 9

@Vulgard @Teleology one of you should join this at seat 4 :eyes:

/in as #5

who wants to be sandwiched between me and arete?
in a game-related way