[Misc] Blood on the Forums V: Ides of Blood - Good Wins!


it was like obviously a joke.

turns out you were the one shading me

:joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:uno reverse card :joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

life pro tip if there’s more than 1 joycat it’s a joke post

Again, you’re convinced that it’s a Viceroy game. I’m actually starting to think that it’s not, because how the hell does the Soothsayer live through N2 in a Viceroy game?

Well how am I supposed to figure it out? I’m just trying to make worlds

Could you be slightly more helpful here?

I have another point, but I’m gonna let you finish since you might address it yourself.

What are the possible worlds where it’s an eclipse, I’m trying to figure it out

If it’s an eclipse, we know that they know either the Ambusher or Soothsayer. We cannot have a viceroy and an eclipse unless we have a chieftan

I know it’s the ambusher as they’re saying I’m evil. Therefore cloned is telling the truth. Therefore one of Whysper or Intensify is the demon unless the eclipse changed the clockhand last night

It is also possible for PKR to be the effigy but I’m too tired to make worlds about that


@PokemonKidRyan what minion did you see me as?

You’ve gone and said that again, and you know what, I’ll humor you. PKR is not claiming to be the Ambusher. They’re claiming Stalker. They said this in very plain language.

Isnt ambusher the one that learns a minion?

I do not get to know that.
Or at least I was not told.

IDK whether I should or should not have known that.

A replacement is needed

@Arete @Appelsiini @Nightingale

I’m thick

Stalker learns each night if their bottom living neighbor is a Minion.
Ambusher starts knowing a Minion character that’s in play, and if they die at night they learn a player who is a Minion.

Goodbye guys.

My activity here is really whack and I’m not doing any progress and to be honest, it’s more of a task to be here than to have fun. Thank you very much for having me. And see ya later or sooner.

So basically, unless we have a chieftan it’s one of intensify or Whysper unless the eclipse triggered last night?

So this actually inclines me to tell you that worlds where PKR is Eclipse poisoned aren’t terribly likely, because evil would love to keep a poisoned Stalker alive for bad Minion pings.

Which, again, requires you to explain why PKR has you as a Minion.