[Misc] Blood on the Forums V: Ides of Blood - Good Wins!

Ghana, I feel like you’re forgetting that the Viceroy can only poison one person; their bottom Townsfolk neighbor. So if you’re insisting that PKR is poisoned by Viceroy, then you’re saying Intensify is Viceroy.

Alright let me just walk myself through a bunch of worlds

World 1 (Me:Bloodletter, Intensify/Whysper: Demon, Cloned: Sober Soothsayer, PKR: Poisoned Ambusher, No Chieftan, Light is Town)

I know I’m good, and if PKR is good too he’s poisoned. Therefore Cloned is sober. And since we don’t have a chieftan we know the minions are an Effigy and Viceroy. And since PKR is poisoned cloned is sober. Therefore one of Intensify/Whysper has to be the demon.

World 2 (Me:Evil, Intensify/Whysper:Not the Demon, Cloned:Poisoned Soothsayer, PKR: Sober Ambusher, No Chieftan, Light is Town)

If I’m evil, then cloned is poisoned. If we don’t have a chieftan then we know which minions we have (Effigy/Viceroy) and that intensify/Whysper are not the demon. Since we don’t have an eclipse.

oh my god I’m actually brain dead

I thought it was like widow

Ah ok, so since we know it’s a retrogradus. And I know that PKR is poisoned.

Therefore it mechanically has to be Whysper then?

Also, wait, I have a question; Why does every one of your scenarios say it’s a Viceroy game? I might be missing a memo here, but I don’t think we established that it was definitely a Viceroy game.

Because we know it isn’t a bogman game. And viceroy is the only source of misinfo other than reveler

Eclipse poisons someone, you table.

Eclipse starts knowing one Townsfolk player, and that player malfunctions as long as the Eclipse’s ability is active.

god fucking dammit I thought I solved the game fuck piss shit

You even acknowledged that fact. How are you suddenly forgetting it?

Wait are you serious?

Alright tan that’s suspicious as fuck.

The eclipse messes with the clockhand. How did you miss that?

Oh, that was about the clockhand. I thought that was a tacit acknowledgement of Eclipse poison being a thing.

Since I only half remembered Eclipse. This is what I was going off of.

How did you miss that?

I was about to call you out for going back and forth on remembering that Eclipse poisons people.

too late

you’re now lock scum

get in the box tan


Now I got all worked up about this and now I’m too tired to actually try to solve the game again fuck

Excuse you, that is not lock scum. Remember, Light knew my character, so it’s known what I am. You trying to shade me is a yikes move here.

ok so

One possible world, I’m good. Intensify is Viceroy, PKR is poisoned, Whysper is Demon, Cloned is sober.

This world doesn’t make sense since Intensify instantly jumped to nominating Whysper