[MISC] Coup Thread A - Solic Wins! (1/5)

Yeah, you have a point about the Duke bros thing. I guess it is the explicit part that I think would go too far. But yeah, moot point now. :slight_smile:

BTW, thanks for the debate on this. Nice food for thought. :slight_smile: And I apologize if I came off a bit harsh in my criticism.


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Nobody’s gonna challenge me anyway Solic.

So either you do or we pass and I get to keep claiming between assassin and contessa because technically there’s no proof against which one of the 2 I truly am :slight_smile:

Whysper passes


Jane and PKR passes.


App passes. Waiting for Solic to le respondo.

:crossed_swords: I challenge your Contessa claim!

It is what it is. :man_shrugging: I wouldn’t be super surprised if you had one, but I also think grinding it out will not turn out in my favor considering I’m last turn, so here’s nothing.


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I know that these things have been done in private too but to save time.

I reveal my Contessa!

I do low-key hope I get a contessa back or an assassin. Because otherwise making 3 coins to like do nothing but coup kinda feels like a waste

Solic challenges the Contessa claim!

PKR reveals a Contessa.

PKR shoots Solic’s Captain and kills him.

Solic loses a Captain.

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PKR will receive a new card from the top of the deck and replace his Contessa with it.

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Looks like gun won that RPS battle

Nerf Gun in the next RPS balance patch plz

Round 3 Summary

Whysper uses Income to gain 1 coin

PKR claims to have an Assassin and attempts to pay 3 coins to make Solic lose an Influence Card.
Solic claims to have a Contessa and tries to block the assasination attempt against them.
No one challenges the claims.
Solic blocks the assassination attempt against them using a Contessa.

Apprentice claims to have an Ambassador.
No one challenges the claim.
Apprentice exchanges 0 cards.

Jane claims to have a Duke and attempts to gain 3 coins.
No one challenges the claim.
Jane gains 3 coins.

Solic claims to have a Captain and attempts to steal 2 coins from PKR.
PKR claims to have a Contessa and attempts to block the steal attempt.
Solic challenges the Contessa claim.
PKR reveals a Contessa.
Solic loses a Captain.
PKR draws a card from the top of the deck and replaces his Contessa with it.
The Contessa is shuffled back into the deck.
The steal attempt is blocked.

Game A Overview

Player Card 1 Card 2 Coins
Whysper Graverobber ??? 4
PKR ??? ??? 5
Apprentice ??? ??? 2
Jane ??? ??? 11
Solic Captain ??? 6

Round 3 has ended!

Round 4 Begins with @Whysper

:exclamation: I claim Assassin and assassinate PKR.

Go for it :slight_smile:

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I’m not going to win anyway and I know it.
So I’ll lose a card here and take someone down with me.

I’ll let my duke bro kill me, Solic or knock App down a bit since App has all the info.