[MISC] Coup Thread A - Solic Wins! (1/5)

I can have diplomatic immunity in multiple countries

I watched the penultimate episode and the season finale.

I also made up my mind about who Iā€™m going to Coup.

/Coup Apprentice @Intensify


invalid target please reselect


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@Apprentice choose a card to lose from the coup


Apprentice loses a Duke!

Game A Overview

Player Card 1 Card 2 Coins
Whysper Graverobber Assassin Mugged by Jane
PKR Duke ??? 2
Apprentice ??? Duke 2
Jane ??? Duke 5
Solic Captain ??? 6

It is now @Solicā€™s turn

RIP Dukes

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Honestly the only way my position could get worse is if Iā€™m stolen from. Or assassinated.

:exclamation: Receive foreign aid



I donā€™t think we need to, nothing can stop it anyway.

Someone may forget eventually

Round 4 Summary

Whysper claims to have an Assassin and attempts to pay 3 coins to make PKR lose a card.
No one challenges the claim.
PKR loses a Duke

PKR claims to have an Assassin and attempts to pay 3 coins to make Whysper lose a card.
Whysper challenges the Assassin claim.
PKR reveals an Assassin
Whysper loses a card and dies.
Jane claims to have a Graverobber and steals 1 coin from Whysper.
No one challenges the claim.
PKRā€™s Assassin is replaced by the top card of the deck.

Apprentice claims to have an Ambassador.
Jane challenges the Ambassador claim.
Apprentice reveals an Ambassador.
Jane loses a Duke.
Apprenticeā€™s Ambassador is replaced by the top card of the deck.
Apprentice draws 2 cards.
Apprentice exchanges 0 cards.

Jane coups Apprentice
Apprentice loses a Duke.

Solic uses Foreign Aid to gain 2 coins.

Game A Overview

Player Card 1 Card 2 Coins
Whysper Graverobber Assassin Mugged by Jane
PKR Duke ??? 2
Apprentice ??? Duke 2
Jane ??? Duke 5
Solic Captain ??? 8

Round 4 has ended.

Round 5 Begins, starting with @PokemonKidRyan

/I will take Foreign Aid
