[MISC] Coup Thread B - Nerbins Wins (1/6)

I’m not lying

I’ve seen an Inquisitor card

:crossed_swords: I challenge Eli’s Inquisitor claim. @Intensify

you see on one hand I lose a card and it’s funny.
on the other hand Eli dies, I laugh harder and it’s still funny

win/win, idk what I’m doing

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Wazza challenges Eli’s Inquisitor claim!

Eli smirks… and flips over his last remaining card.

It was an Inquisitor



Wazza choose a card to lose.

you’re boring for not lying, Eli, smh.

want to know what’s funny

“All warfare is based on deception.” - Sun Tzu, the Art of War

Wazza has the big sadghe and loses a Contessa!

I traded my ambassador for this card because I had no idea I could keep the ambassador card

this is sadge.


I still haven’t read the OP and still won’t!!

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i needed a sun tzu quote but this was the best one i could find

Alright so, since Eli did have an Inquisitor, their card will now be randomly shuffled into the deck (keep in mind that the deck won’t be shuffled only the card will be added somewhere in it)

Eli will draw a new card soon and their Inquisiting will process.

“I herded two of every animal on Earth onto a boat and beat the crap out of every single one.”
~Sun Tzu


Noah would be proud.

Eli tell us both the cards at the bottom of the deck and be fully honest so we all know when to call people out since we’re both on one card and consequently we won’t do it ourselves wowee

Eli has drawn a card off the top of the deck and has replaced his Inquisitor.