[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

I shouldn’t have made this, but this just shows how weak the Labs are when it comes to accessibility, and how strong the Commons are in opposite.

is this necessary?

There are 51 unique pathways in total, and therefore 249 “possible hidden passages”. (Unless Alice made a useless hidden passage such as the one between [Dojo/Gym] and [Gym/Pool].)

@Italy, it doesn’t even have to make sense. I challenged Alice, since I thought it would be obvious, so she added the extra “it will be an underground passage”, meaning that a whole passage from the Male Locker Room to the Recreation Room is also possible.

Nope, it is not. I just like being dedicated to misc games I am interested in.

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Unique Pathways during Night Phase

What happens during Night Phase; 7 pathways get blocked. …having said that, the Recreation Room is the only room that becomes a “trapped room” such as the Laboratories.

Unless there is someone “in the hallway between the Dojo and the Gym” who needs to go to the Pool (or vice versa if you switch Dojo and Pool), then locking up the Gym effectively does nothing unless the Gym has a special gimmick within it.

I forgot the Nurse’s Office; that room also becomes a trapped room …trapped sounds wrong. Maybe isolated room sounds better.

25 rooms. 16 players. Duos won’t do. Too easy for fakes and backstabs. Triplets are better. 4 trios and 1 squad. 5 teams.
25/16 rounded up = 2
25/5 = 5

…nope. This plan won’t do. Too many holes.
• Confirmation of inspection requires at the very least 2 extra turns
• Secret passage should be as hidden as the door in DRV3’s library, meaning that discovering it ought to take more than 1 turn; clues might be scattered all over the rooms
• People who play social deduction games in general will have at least one edgy lone wolf player who doesn’t mesh well with agendas.

Sigh… the game has yet to begin, and I am already stressed out what I should do.

Hey uh… Do we start the game at the Dorms, or at the Cafeteria?

Replace Simon with gorta, and uh… did Universal confirm already?

Coordinating teams won’t work.


Publicly discussing plans is also meh :^)

I mean anyone with evil roles are going to read this thread and can sink any publically discussed plans we have. Besides the game hasn’t even started yet.

Uhh since we’ve gotten roles it’s probably not a good idea to talk publicly now

and either way I have made it clear my plan is to go into dark alleyways, alone, with my back turned


I will only be in rooms that have one exit/entrance.

I’m going to hide in my dorm all game

Good idea lets wait for the game to start. No loose lips please. :sunglasses:

this game is 15 neutrals vs 1 evil

it can also be a secret passageway from a hallway to somewhere else :eyes:
i.e. not just room to room
but hallway to hallway
or room to hallway

Coordinating teams as a whole will 100% fail, but when it comes to making at least one group… then it is certainly “not low”. Especially if people understand that the first Blackened will never be the Mastermind and therefore early cooperation is never a bad thing to have …unless your abilities are subjectively better when performed alone, or unless players have meta grudge against one another.

This is just anti-town in general …sulit, is your sole existence made to make me unhappy?

There is literally only 1 player with an evil role: the Mastermind. Anyone who isn’t altruistic can get exiled for all I care.

Do elaborate how. I am curious.

Yeah, but waiting is SOOO BOOORING.

Those are literally only the Labs, and the Recreation Room and the Nurse’s Office when it’s Night Phase.

This would be a great plan, if not for the fact that you still need to eat and take a dump every now and then.

On top of that, I am betting a sliver of my pride that nobody is dedicated enough to confirm that you will he staying in your dorms 24/7. It would be a waste of their time; time they could spend on literally anything else.

On top of that again, you will be forced into a Class Trial nonetheless at one point, and you won’t become useful to anyone because you wouldn’t know what the hell even happened.

Nope, I say. Stop wasting my time, please.

how do you know that that is the definition of room? room could be defined in a way such that it includes hallways