[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

I need a hard yes or no.

PKR has replaced in for Blizer.

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if Simon doesn’t in I will

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/spec ^^

if it starts before ici’s thing, no.
if it starts after i might change that.
so essentially /backup. which if theres slot i may or may not change to in later.
not asking you to hold a slot for me though. if someone wants my spot give it to them, and if i come back later wanting in thats my problem.

I would take it


I would in for Simon @Alice

ping alice: the game



this is the part where i punch you in the face

Where would we get kicked if we were to stay at those rooms?

How would that work with the Movement Points then? If we require 1 MP to move from one room to the other… what is the cost to move from-and-to a hallway? Is it something like “leaving a room costs 1 MP, but entering a room costs nothing”?

“Functionally infeasible…” do you mean something like “playing Flight of the Bumblebee with zero piano experience”?
…but that would be only petty, and not despairing. Despair without hope is bland pettiness.

…this is so much work for something so small. You’d have to 400 IQ this plan and make multiple McGuffins like these to make it interesting for me; it’s just not worth it.

this aged well



It says “At earliest” so at least it still holds some fair accuracy x3


So… it was not 24 rooms, but 25.
I must’ve forgotten to split either the Locker Room or the WC into two.
In other words, there are 325 pathways.

…actually, if there are 2 rooms, then there is only 1 pathway, so I was wrong about me being wrong.
It was 300 pathways after all.

the secret passages is most likely between the art/music rooms or the chemistry/physics labs

I just realized… aside from “Hallway Mechanics”, the passages between [Dojo/Gym] and [Gym/Pool] are literally useless since they are both accessible through the hallway beneath them.

Even if the Gym gets locked during Night Time, anyone from the Dojo can still visit the Pool using only 1 Movement Point…