[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation


Also /in

Thinking I will enjoy this. If not, then I can become fodder for a killer.


The game ends after the class trial for him, though the MM has several benefits that makes them hard to kill roll-wise, so it’s not like we’ll be seeing Chapter 1 MM deaths.

Become a stepping stone for a symbol of hope!

Hi kat. >:)

there is no thread
the thread is a lie
don’t trust the thread
don’t speak of the thread

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Alice gets it.

anyone telling you that the thread exists is lying
lying to cause you to fall further than you ever have fallen before

i’m either gonna be the mastermind, or the first person to die

  1. So to the other students is the Mastermind just another student who is secretly not allowed to murder?

  2. What happens if you accuse the Mastermind instead of the Blackened? Is that a successful or failed Class Trial?

Ah yes, the perfect strategy.

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also what happens if the Mastermind just gets murdered lol

the mastermind likely has NUTTY tier luck

or some other form of protection

For some reason, I have a feeling that my WiM is going to depend on the character I’m playing.

It’s DR, though, so I’m probably bound to enjoy it regardless.

hello join my ama

dont look at my sister lik ethat

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Hi Chloe. >:))


Failed as the Blackened will still succeed, however it won’t count for the number of class trials that the MM needs to fail.

Basically if the pre-determined number is 2 and the chapter goes like this:

CH1 - Executes the blackened.
CH2 - Blackened gets away, participant gets accused.
CH3 - Executes the blackened.
CH4 - Blackened gets away, MM gets accused, then the MM will not win yet.

I’m going to be rooting for you so you better win this.