[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

my username is the same because no mods can come up with a good enough name

Why me specifically?

No Ans, root for kat.

The other spec.

Do I need a reason?

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alice you said the number of trials needed to fail were hidden

if you were the participant in CH2 who was falsely accused do you die?

This was an example. It may or may not be two.

No, you still live. But since you’d be a participant then this raises the number of failed trials by one, which puts the MM closer to victory.

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And they also have 0 need to wonder around alone at night

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Pretty much. They don’t need to find evidence to clear people or out the MM, so they’re more likely to stay in their dorms or in the Cafeteria where it’s pretty much impossible for them to be murdered.

is there any mechanic to draw people toward the body if it is not found for some time?

we roll dice at start of match and all collectively murder one person. 1/16 to instantly win

No, but I’m p sure that bodies are going to eventually be found either way.

are these the same amount?

what if someone is killed in their dormatory, and then the killer leaves? not like anyone can get inside…

Literally whats going to happen is someone is gonna try to gather shit at night, and come across a body

thats a fact.

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Also, sad that only one person has to find a body. What is the procedure for the discovery to count?

So DR1 Chapter 4 basically

and DRV3 Chapter 3 Angie

locked room murder


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