[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

Sure, it is.

oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh. although not knowing our wincons is a meme

yall best believe im not going to be dumb and become the blackened in chapters 1 or 2 unless im forced to.

Katze, don’t be so vengeful if you can win thoughhhh

that’s what someone who plans to become the blackened in chapter 1 or 2 would say


im only spectating, no worries :eyes:

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will rolecards not be dealt until the 23rd or will game just not start until then?


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it would be cool to talk strategy for a while before game starts but it’s hard without knowing if you have alternate wincon

cause thats dumb.

i also will refuse to claim anything most of the time, in the early game at least.
because im not that big of fake claiming, so id rather just not claim at all

yeah but its like real dumb to become the blackened in chapter 1 at very least. way too many people to investigate you and find your stuff, not to mention its hard to get an alibi.

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yeah ik. someones either going to be hella dumb or hella ballsy

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Im imploring the buddy system but this time im not gonna shoot my buddy


I’d actually be excited af if we got wincons when slots were filled and could discuss strategy up until gamestart

but idk how in the spirit of the game that is

@Marshal buddy?

i might speak to a policy at some point in the game. i stick to my policies. note that tendency =/= policy. unless i say something is policy, dont assume it is.
im thinking of starting up a similar system for promises and me. although ill never promise not to kill [x] or something. if i do this, know i intend to keep my promises to my dying breath, and to this end whether im good or bad i wont make promises that i might not be able to keep as any alignment, even if i know i can keep it as my current one. thats bad play

Then enjoy the show! I will make you proud!

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we can buddy system after the game starts

i will try to make it so that my buddy is someone I trust

but I don’t know if I can trust you yet for obvious reasons

Can we pm people with strategy talk or only in here @Alice

Uni is my buddy

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