[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

Well what if we add Uni. Then I really couldnt shoot ya, cause then it would make uni sad

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i’m not making any pregame alliances

can you trust me

eh fine, hope its water under the bridge

people trying to get others to trust them when roles haven’t even been dealt lmao

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this is because I shot Marshal last game, and I feel bad

I mean I was also kind of a dick to you

part of it was me being kind of upset that I was shot / trying to convince you I really was neut

but i’ll at least try to be nicer that’s my only promise

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no murders allowed. only friendly banter

just refuse to kill anyone ez

Marshal is a nice person, I am sure he will understand the circumstances and we can come out of this a bigger person than we came out. Lets focus on having fun :smiley:

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mastermind can incentivize people by providing extra wincons

I probably won’t murder anyone I team up with

That’d make me feel bad

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free alibis to the first blackened if they tell me beforehand.

if it becomes a wincon i will shoot every one of you
except uni because nobody else would

I feel no pain

after screwing everyone over in VLDR I no longer feel guilt in miscs

Don’t feel sad Sulit! If you need to in order to advance the game, do it. So long as we don’t do anything against the forum rules.

I also don’t want Sulit to be sad since that will make me sad

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kyo: throws italy a gun
italy, who literally cannot kill: wow, this is worthless

You can until I send out rolecards.

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when does this start
you probably already posted this but i have shit memory

Sorry if you already answered this but when are you sending cards alice