[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

starts the 23rd, not sure when rolecards go out. Might go out when full

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It’s already full. They’re going out this week. Didn’t expect the game to fill so quick.



The 23rd.

Game starts then. I’ll send the RCs in the middle of the week and then I’ll close the thread.

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they meant rolecards

They’ll be out tomorrow to be more exact.


form up
surround them all
don’t let a single one of them escape

From the player’s total MP & AP, or does one need to wait 5 hours to recover 1 MP & AP?

Laundry, Dojo, Gym, North and Pool… I wonder whether the blood can be washed off at the Pool?

I believe we have already talked about this, but I assume this means that -basically- one of the two Blackened could have a “free kill” (i.e. killing someone and not get punished for it) of sorts?

On scale of 1 to 10, how weird would it be if I were to already know where it is?

…I don’t get what this means.

Dead end found; Recreation Room. --though, I doubt anyone will actually use this room as a murder place since it’d be too obvious. So obvious even, that there should be a hidden camera of sorts that a player can use to see the culprit.

Does it immediately go to 0%, or does one need to wait in the bathroom?

Does this raise our Digestion Bar? If so, by how much? Are there any players who can eat less than others, and thereby fills up their Digestion Bar despite having eaten only once?

…how curious. What other reason does one need to have, to use this facility, other than disposing evidence? …unless we have actual garbage that we periodically need to dispose?

…hm? This is…
In other words, survival is not about speed; it’s all about luck?

The MP/AP values differ for each player. The higher your CON the more it will be.

Staying an hour in your dorm will restore 20% of each, so if you had 30 Max AP then each hour in your dorm will restore 6 AP.

…you literally couldn’t have chosen for a worse time to start the game.
–speaking of time, how long does the Daily Life last? Surely not forever? I assume there is some form of deadline before a Blackened is forced to commit suicide?

Ah, the former then. Very well.

Forgot to change the OP, the first body found is the one that is the trial for in the same way the rules were clarified in V3.

It may or may not be linking the girl’s bathroom to the library.

Like, 25% of the game will take place during nighttime, many mechanics change during this period.

Immediately. Take a quick good shit ala Nekomaru and you’ll be back to 0.

Digestion bar are the same for everyone. Also each time you eat it raises the bar by 5%.

There will be more uses. It’ll show during the game.

STR helps you survive against melee weapons.
AGI helps you survive against ranged weapons.
LUK helps you survive against both and even stuff like poisoning or electrocution.

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Alice, its full because your games are genuinely fun and well-thought out! I still remember playing the Danganronpa forum mafia game months back. It was one of the best experiences I have so far!


until a body is found
however many days that may be

…so it is indeed the case. Very well.

No. It ain’t as simple as that. I saw the map, and unless the hidden path involves an underground level, then the amount of possible paths is rather limited.

Uh… okay?


I see a contradiction.

Humu… I see. Thank you for the clarification.

Luck is a powerful stat (as it should be in the Danganronpa Universe)

Hm… curious. Wouldn’t that mean that, in super-hypothesis, it is possible for everyone to not kill anyone at all? The only way I see this “botched plan” fail is if there is a time limit before one needs to commit suicide. For example, blackmail + failed deadline = depression + no reason to live.

does player action play any role in whether an attack works?
like if they put some poison in my cafeteria food, luck could make it so that the poison was expired, but what if i dont eat at the cafeteria at that point?

What’s the rules around accomplices?

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