[MISC]Danganronpa - Needing Confirmation

Hopefully KyoDaz.

As for the game… It kinda feels like VDLR++. The stats are… actually making me afraid of how things will fare.

@Alice, I just noticed… are we allowed to be in the hallways?

For example, the to-be-Blackened plans to kill someone from the Art Room, so they plan an ambush for when they exit the room. But this would require the to-be-Blackened to wait at the hallway. Is this even allowed, or does the to-be-Blackened have to wait in West Commons for an ambush?

Don’t be surprised I ask quite a few questions here. I’m kinda new to this and I hope Alice allows me the opportunity to try it out.

Charmed, I’m sure.

i dont know how this works nor have i read anything but /backup cause i dont want anything spoiled even tho there’s already 100

convert and bus pkr d1 pls k ty /s

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This is true.

Rooms as a whole. You get kicked out if you remain there while night sets.

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I was sleeping lol.

Yes, you are.

Also everyone but @Simon has confirmed that they’re staying.

I also need a replacement for Blizer.




I know you were interested

can I in then?

Hi, I’m here

I thought Maxi took the spot?

You can. I’m pretty sure Blizer replaced out. (assuming Maxi hasn’t taken the spot)

Maxi backed up idk if they wanted Blizer’s spot

make it technically possible to defuse the bomb, but functionally in-feasible.
like fully completeing a ‘’‘free to play’’’ game without spending money.

for instance, make it require an incredibly specific item from a place they couldd have gotten to previously, but cannot go to any more, so if they dont already have it they’re out of luck
then, make the timer quite quick for the amount of work. make it so that someone who knows exactly what they’re doing and has all the tools would only get out with seconds to spare.
that way unless they have literally everything they need just on hand and already know how to defuse it, they will almost assuredly fail.

anyways. im going to see how ici’s thing goes once it starts, until then its a maybe/probably no from me for this

can we get an actual answer so it can actually start though