[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

well, one player will present their rule and we will vote to accept it or not, if it’s accepted and someone broke the rule they should be treated as a rebel

if you have a passive/ability that can kill or harm another player, you should publicly reveal it

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Yeah sorry

But I dont play by the rules

So just count me out already

please don’t kill me later on

I would kill anyone given the chance :wink:

Except maybe like FK and GamerPoke

im going to be vague for now, but i got knowledge

Squid and Simon are cool in some scenarios

So they wouldnt die first l

So if anyone has those and they don’t reveal, we kick their ass

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How would you know about it

Maybe if they use it, we’ll know

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there is some way of investigating i am sure

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I think boss is super paranoid and/or has a passive like “You will be unable to act if an individual with a weapon is in the room”

but yeah, boss and fk, you know the drill.
maybe 2% chance of extenuating circumstance, but besides that there is no way i will betray you unless yall do it first

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and if you do my vengeance will be quick and swift

i already say that i don’t have passive

Unless you’re one of the four people that I listed, you are on my Do not disturb Celeste if they die list

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Once again

N o

Your passive was
“Receive a new ability each successfully looted room.”

and you have a passive seeing other passives?

wait what
