[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

you cant tho

Or else I would see it…


no u


Y e s

Thanks Datbird for confirming that you dont have it

So its an action then

Why do I have to wait 9 hours for likes

dont worry

I have to wait 11

No its not an item its an ability

like i say, i am secretly a bastard mechanic that is design to kill the host later on

Stop confusing me.

hey margaret does my passive give feedback?

“You have attacked (player), using a (item).”

Alternative action information
“You have attacked (player), using (item) which broke after usage.”

Just so you dont get pissy at me later


I’m 60% sure that I know which one it is and I have to say no

oh that other one wasnt referring to me.
also interesting

there should not be any killing as long as i am still alive

Too interesting

Define feedback

Since its literally just…

“Your embrace for (thing) has given you hope.”

watch that not be what Simon is referring to

possibly. ill confirm/deny that at a later date as needed

Ok Simon

Have fun

im just happy at successfully avoiding giving you any info :smiley:

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