[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape


I’ll figure it out eventually

Maybe you ade the person with

“Your results regarding (action) has been sent to another. How unfortunate.”

Do u get the actions names?


Just feedback possibilities

I have to infer what it could be based off the feedback

Some things are obvious, but it could be a passive or an action since it apparently includes both.


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N o

oh so you have some kind of killing ability as well i assume?

If I did, I wouldnt tell you

cough says the person with a passive that gives them an ability after every room

It’s not the best idea

It really isnt

@GamerPoke I hate you now :angry:

You already hated me

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“The spirits whispered a secret to you, (information).”

What can this be

Passive or action?

Im leaning more towards an action but passive is also possible

ohhhh spooky ghost

I think more of a passive since it’s the “spirits”

Yeah but would it just be

Always recieving information?

Or recieving information about the room?

I think it would be better as an action, such as a host information request like action

Probably something like this

Or maybe about other abilities/players