[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

It’s been an hour dad.

I get I’m not here and all but I need to remind you.

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Lies, there’s 8 mins left Bestie

well, I’m on now, so I’m early I suppose.


That’s confusing. Everything said 1h ago.

Wazza. Why are you talking here?


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the tape ended.

Objective: Watch the tape
Objective: put the candle on the cake.
Optional Objective: Find a way to survive.


you’re in the same room as in the video, it’s exactly the same.

/do the stuff, but roll the barrel out of the room (and not spilling it) and not do the cake yet


The tape showed how James Carstairs died. With this knowledge, find another way to escape.

oh wait no
/dont do that


Gonna apologize for my mega afkness, had IRL stuff to do

Be on in about 2 hours ish


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Lemme think uhhh

im working with some stuff now to try and disable the cake

Can clown father be a blast shield :smiley:


Im pretty sure I know how this is “supposed to work”