[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

You do it, Bestie

dat grabbed the scythe. It was an unholy weapon. (What has happened to this game XD)

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/point scythe at son now leave


I rather not. We both know you cant use that on me

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/well run and do what i sent in class card

dat left.

/Run with him

Well uh

Now what

What is even going on.

Lightsin, pass me some alcohol.

I can burn you alive

Like a bottle of it.

Can’t, threw one at Poke and the other one vanished

I’m still confused on how the fk that works

ic talking

However if you want some guaze to chew on I got some

I need a bloody weapon.

Not literally bloody, just a weapon.

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Ermm, lemme see

/pulls out a book from medkit

Here you go. Don’t have anything else, unless you want 2 cups with a quarter of Green liquid and a quarter of blue.

I know how english cursing works, mate

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You know what. Imma go kill Dad

Can this kill people?

thats cool try if u want