[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape


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Lightsin and Mia went down. It lead into a luxurious lobby. A familiar site. There was a ladder.


/climb that ladder


Mia shot up that ladder like a rocket. As light climbed, the ladder twisted and broke into two. He grabbed onto the top bit remaining with one hand.

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poke looked down at Light; he was already up there.

Oi boi


dat was there too,

/also look down hi light


poke lifted his foot and raised it over Lights hand. /confirm?


oh no

/grab his hand after the stomping. Catching him just let him live he made it this far

If I fall, I take light with ne

Dat, dont

no dont do that

Dont trust him

I let you live

Light we are all good between u and Gamer? if not i let go