[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape

AWM stands for Aggressive Whispering Match

If you want to reveal my information publicly you can

ROOM 7 STARTS TOMORROW. Sorry for the lolz.


Because I will just share it anyway

oh yeah what happened with this can i ask?


its your info do what you will. i may ask you for it but like how many traps and where one is hurts no one in most scenarios.
just use common sense i think

The Salt taste has stopped. As well as the burn on you’re finger.


Room 7 shall start whenever you’re already.

i cant now cause im going to bed ver soon but can i just say.

Course, I’ll be hosting tomorrow anyway.


Hosting will begin somewhere between this time

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The Endgame (Teaser trailer)

You thought you could get to the end and everything would be a-ok?
you thought that although one of your number betrayed you, you would still leave together? That your abilities would save you?
not by a longshot.
if you had to choose someone to hold your life in their hands, who would you choose? If you had to choose yourself or your friends, who would you choose? What if you had to choose friend… over friend?
In the thrilling last chapter, of which I have already prepared, alliances will be torn asunder, friendships broken, and it will be everyman for himself. And your abilities wont save you.

so today will be the last 4 rooms then?

hey when is second party happening so I know when to come

When Pqrty 1 dies

Or you make it to a room

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so never


so glad to be in party one, eh?

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@GamerPoke, @Simon, @Margaret, @Boss110, @PoisonedSquid, @Kirefitten

Room 7 has been opened.