[Misc] Escape room (8/9) Majority Escape


Someone has this passive

“There are (number) opportunities to recieve an ability in this room.”

as long as they don’t get a killing ability it’s fine

@Margaret is there a passive/action that can kill people?

says there is a killing ability in pool

aS lOnG As tHeY dOn’TT gEt oNE iTs FInE

I HAVE RETURNED. Who’s ready?

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Welcome back, father

I’m ready for Freddy my good host


FNAF 7 Coming soon to a Roblox community near you
~ Scott

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@Geyde why you do this

As you enter into the second room, you can’t see a lot, as the lamp is off. It is across a dark room. However, you can see a vase on top of a table, with a loose brick in the wall. There are random boxes strewn across the ground, all empty.

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Do nothing until I give abilityresults.

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(let us know when ur done)

Will do

Squid you here?


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This must be the work of an enemy stand!

hey @Boss110 you should go take out that loose brick

/I pick up a box and put it on top of my head

GEYDE get out! You aren’t in this game.