MISC: Fortified Tower 2. GAME OVER. Haunted and Medic win

Well, a topic would be… the fact that this game can have a lot of combat so I am looking forward to seeing what happens.

Oh god.

Alarm going off and all other traps stunning / blocking / incapaciating.

Please, do.


Like it wouldn’t kill us, but it would be comicly hard to do anything.

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I want one of those parody rooms right now.

Please make it in next one I ente… oh right, too much percentage.

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Well I ain’t looking forward to combat, tyvm. I’d rather just cooperate.
…which is difficult since I am paranoid over Plague Doctor.

If I meet anyone my first action will be to boop them on the nose for gamer reasons

Marshal just claimed psychotic mentality.

Note to self - avoid Marshal.

^ That’s actually smart tbh.

Only psychotic role which is not about “kill everyone”, but “kill the tycon” is Vampire.

Meaning that Marshal just outed they want everyone dead in most cases.

all I said is that I want to boop someone’s nose eevee how does that confirm me to be a mass murderer

also the moleman said that it can’t effect things so >:(

So you felt pressure enough to ask host? :^)

I wanted to make sure people with ruthless mentality couldn’t kill me for it

becuase, y’know, you are trying to tell everyone i’m a mass murderer for my wanting to nose boop

It is an interesting argument… but now that eevee has said that it has planted the seeds of doubt on your slot. I look forward to seeing how it affects you and others’ behaviour within this game :smirk:

inb4 marshal boops the dark one on the nose and is immediately tunnelbombed

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we are all waiting for hell to break loose.

bold to assume it hasn’t already

It is impossible for that to have happened.
There are no 2 players in the same room iirc and people likely have not been screwed by a trap or obstacle in their first move.

Therefore I highly doubt it has happened already :slight_smile:

This, and other players…


I have my eyes on a few of you… for an out of gameplay perspective.
Zone, you say often how you wish to wagon me :smirk:

If you talk about tunneling, then only eevee is worthy of being tunneled.

One problem though: This is a Misc Game and not a Forum Mafia nor a FoL, so… the grudges don’t matter.
–unless he claims Plague Doctor, in which case BURN HIM TO THE GROUND. :fire: :fire: :fire:

This game is literally going to take forever isn’t it. I just wanna meet some peeps already